
Android studio theme activity
Android studio theme activity

android studio theme activity

We set the theme, immediately in the Activity’s onCreate().

android studio theme activity

A window will come asking about the name of the application (if you choose to create a new project). To create this Setting Activity you need to open an android studio or open an existing one. Those familiar with switching themes before DayNight, will feel right at home. A Setting Activity is an activity in the android studio which makes it easy to integrate the functionality and user interface in the application. Next, you have to tell our app to take advantage of this. Material Components themes (from left to right):, The key differences in each variant are the light/dark. Start by changing your parent theme in values/styles.xml. You can inherit from any of the following themes: In this example we are going to specify the Splash screen background as an activitys theme. After doing all of this just run the app and see is it working or not. The second way is little different to implement Splash screen.

is going to set the launcher activity.

We are not going to use the actionbar in this activity. In this case, we are changing the theme of SplashScreen activity. Ideally, you want users to set this via Settings ( SharedPreferences). This is how apps would handle theme switching before, but let’s look at a better alternative. android:theme is going to change the theme for the specific activity. IsDarkTheme is a boolean to check if Dark Theme must be enabled. SetTheme(isDarkTheme? R.style.MyDarkTheme : R.style.MyLightTheme)

Android studio theme activity